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Author Topic: Modern Chinese coin investments LIST #90- The 4th domino forest fire  (Read 5503 times)
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Capitalist Pig
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« on: 2011 Sep 21, 08:32:48 am »

The article is broken up into separate posts - The coin investments list is at the end of the article

The last list sold $102410.67 worth of coins! $102k! That's equivalent to 2550 ounces of silver, or 57.1 ounces of gold. That's a lot!

Market buying activity began to spike strongly on Tuesday, when America's Fed meeting began to discuss how much inflation they're going to inject into the economy ahead of the Holiday season that begins in October. Coin buyers are expecting increased inflation to manipulate the Holiday season economic picture upwards in preparation for the 2012 election season.

It's like a bunch of dominoes that all need to fall together months in advance to ensure that the voters are successfully manipulated into voting for whoever most pleases the criminals that typically rise to the top of political governments. After the elections are over, the murdering and thieving can begin again with renewed vigor, so long as the entire economic system does not collapse under it's own weight.

That is the nature of evil - to destroy itself. It's how things come to a balanced equilibrium. What this means is that, while the politicians are preparing the next 3 domino falls, you need to be preparing the 4th. The dominoes are:

#1 inflation today
#2 increased jobs and the appearance of economic health during the Holiday season
#3 the election of politician brokers, to distribute the proceeds of coordinated corruption

"Evil", also known as "Destruction", is naturally cooperative. The burning trees in a forest fire are not consciously planning how to level a 500 year old forest in 2 hours. It just happens in a naturally cooperative manner. Another way to analogize it is that no single raindrop is responsible for the destructive power of a flood. It's what's known as an "emergent property" of seemingly unrelated things. The short explanation is that 2 + 2 = the 4th domino, not just the number "4".

The 4th domino is how this ends. After the 3rd domino elections, something will have to change, or like a forest fire, the system will destroy itself, and the entire forest along with it (you and me). People are buying coins today because they can foresee the 2nd domino - inflation will lead to increased valuations for hard assets like coins. People can foresee the 3rd domino, but the 3rd domino has no meaning without knowing what the 4th domino will be like.

In other words, the properties of the 3rd domino are practically unknown, even though we know it is there. The events making up the properties of the 3rd domino will determine the properties of the 4th domino. Is it going to be bad or good? Short term, or long term?

The 1st domino is good for the short term, for those who know how to get out of its way (exchanging paper assets for physical assets). But, how do we handle the 4th domino when we don't even know what the 3rd domino is? Well, let me whip out my crystal ball, and I'll tell you.

Things go in cycles. The 4th domino is an opportunity to repeat, and begin again what has happened previously. It could also be an endpoint, or a beginning, or both, depending on how you look at it. It is nebulous, which means it's hard to say what exactly it is with so much left that still needs to solidify before the 4th domino can take on its final form.

The cycle has already repeated itself many, many times. This next cycle is either a pivot point where things change, or it isn't. The only thing that is certain is that the cycles cannot repeat without being poorer, financially speaking, each time. Political styles of government tend to continue repeating until there is absolutely nothing left. With nothing left, there's nothing to rebuild from, and you basically have to enter into the new future with a thatch roof hut. In other words, a dark age.

I've said before that the West is entering a new dark age. This is not set in stone yet, it could change, but the way the cycles are patterning out is that there appears to be no effort to make any changes that would stop the cycles from repeating. In other words, history is repeating itself, and things in the West are going to continue to get worse, and worse, and worse, until...

Well, the smart people have already left the West because they don't want to be here to see just how bad it gets. This is why Jim Rogers moved to Singapore. He's not the only one, either. He's just the most outspoken. People like him are among the elites that never seem to suffer. They're just as vulnerable as the rest of us, but they MOVE when a fire starts in their forest. That's why people started moving out of Germany in the 1930's. It's why people started moving out of Russia in the 1920's.

Why am I saying all this? Because you're doing great. You're making money, and everything seems to be working perfectly - but you're forgetting WHY you're doing so well in your Chinese coin investments. It's not entirely because you're smart, you're hard working, and very, very good-looking. No, it's really just because you've got pristine wood while the forest is on fire. How long do you think it will take for the fire to reach you, if you don't get out of the way?

Don't get cocky. You've made some good choices, but you're not "out of the woods" yet. You're just as flammable as everyone else, and nothing can save you once a hot cinder floats onto your clothes. You smell the smoke, you've got some money, now it's time to RUN!

Best of all, you've got some advance warning. You read my articles, and you know more about the mysterious 4th domino than other people do. You have some time to arrange your affairs, and plan your next move. The cycles repeat gradually so that no one notices just how bad it is getting. You know better, you have been warned.

These good times that domino #2 will provide for you, and others like you, is meant to make you complacent - to consider staying a while longer, to hope that things will continue to get better. Don't wait for domino #3 before you realize that you should have taken advantage of the relatively good times in domino #2 to make a run for it. You'll be the only one leaving, and everyone will think you're crazy. That just means you'll be first in line, out the door, and off to nice new life in a more pleasant part of the world, heavily loaded with the riches your wisdom have earned for you.

If you get greedy, and keep wanting more than you have, you'll make the wrong choice to keep doing what you've been doing - to keep riding the doomed cycle that can't possibly continue much longer - and you'll go down with it.

Remember, things will not always be that bad. The pace of crashes and recoveries in the modern world are much faster (and more fierce). Once the dust settles, you can go back home, and use your wisely stewarded wealth to help rebuild, at much profit to yourself, of course. You might be inducted into the aristocracy at some point too.

The only edge an aristocrat has is not losing. They don't have to be much better to be better. You just have to not lose what you've spent your life building. That rock of stability that you could become is what will attract a nation around you, looking for leadership. The nation failed, but you didn't, and you can bring your formula for success back to your home, for the betterment of everyone.

Wealth really is a stewardship. It will outlast your lifetime with ease, if it is managed properly, and so it is hard to say that it is "yours". It's merely your steward. Treat your wealth like it's not your "stuff", but instead your responsibility, and you will be promoted ever higher, with greater and greater responsibility for increasingly large amounts of wealth. Handled wisely, it will exceed your lifetime, and pass into the hands of your chosen heirs (a whole other measure of responsibility).

Good luck, get rich, and get out!
« Last Edit: 2011 Sep 21, 03:04:01 pm by badon » Logged

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Capitalist Pig
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« Reply #1 on: 2011 Sep 21, 08:34:42 am »

Technical note: You'll notice some changes to this list. I moved all the intro stuff to its own thread, so this is really just the list. Each list will still link over to the intro material, so it'll be just a click away. This enables me to put up the lists faster, so you can have your organized catalog sooner.

Market notes: Gold fever has struck! Over the past couple of days a huge number of gold auctions have successfully concluded - to the tune of $100,000! Is this because of the Fed meeting that is going on right now? Could be. No matter what happens with this particular meeting, we all know that price inflation is going to come in a big way and soon.

We've had some great sellers enter the market recently that put up fantastic coins on $0.99 auctions.

Personally, I think $0.99 auctions are the best tool for determining broad market demand. After all, the winning price is created by people bidding against each other for how badly they want a coin. This is different than a Buy-It-Now or offer in that those are more like one-on-one negotiations.

In stock market terms, auctions set the bid and Buy-It-Nows set the ask.

And on that note, the auctions for 80s proof gold pandas have been very strong with a few new highs. Be sure to check out the list of 93 sold coins!
« Last Edit: 2011 Sep 21, 08:54:51 am by tamo42 » Logged

Neal McSpadden
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The Primal Prepper - my blog about preparing for the worst while living the best
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« Reply #2 on: 2011 Sep 21, 08:34:59 am »

Table of contents

Not everything is in the table of contents, but all the important stuff is here.

* Opera web browser
* Coins sold from the previous list
* Chinese coins are better
* Register, read replies, get NOTIFICATIONS, access drafts
* Recommended reading
* Our choices
* Problem sellers
* NCS conserved
* 70 grade coins
* Proof pandas
* BU pandas
* Investment grade 1/2 oz silver pandas
* Investment grade large date and small date pandas
* Platinum and palladium pandas
* Other pandas and expo coins
* Lunar coins
* Other investment grade coins
* Helpful searches
« Last Edit: 2011 Sep 21, 08:45:10 am by tamo42 » Logged

Neal McSpadden
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The Primal Prepper - my blog about preparing for the worst while living the best
Capitalist Pig
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« Reply #3 on: 2011 Sep 21, 08:36:10 am »

Coins sold from the Modern Chinese coin investments LIST #89 article

Coin Sold  Sale Price  Sale Type  Melt RatioAg oz priceAu oz price
1979 1/2 oz gold Beijing scenery Tiananmen Square NGC PF 69 CA$1343auction1.4933.40.74
1980 12 g copper olympic biathlon NGC PF 69 CA$429.99auctionthou10.70.23
1980 12 g copper olympic skiing NGC PF 69 UC$610auctionthou15.10.34
1980 12 g copper olympic speed skating NGC PF 69 CA$435auctionthou10.80.24
1982 12 g copper World Cup NGC PF 69 UC$720auctionthou17.90.40
1983 22 g silver Marco Polo NGC PF 69 UC$812.5auction28.620.20.45
1984 20 g silver pagoda Zhenjue NGC PF 69 CA$2750Buy-It-Now106.68.41.53
1985 1/10 oz gold panda NGC MS 69$249.5auction1.396.210.13
1985 1/2 oz gold panda NGC MS 69$990auction1.1024.60.55
1985 1/20 oz gold panda NGC MS 69$132.5auction1.473.290.07
1985 1/4 oz gold panda NGC MS 69$496auction1.1012.30.27
1985 1/4 oz gold panda PCGS MS 69$546auction1.2113.50.30
1986 24 g silver Empress of China NGC MS 69$100auction3.222.490.05
1986 P 1 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$2296auction1.2857.11.28
1986 P 1/10 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$331auction1.848.240.18
1986 P 1/2 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$1252auction1.3931.10.69
1986 P 1/20 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$356auction3.978.860.19
1986 P 1/4 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$586.2auction1.3014.50.32
1987 27 g silver proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$680.11auction19.516.90.37
1987 P 1 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$2281auction1.2756.71.27
1987 P 1 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$2256auction1.2556.11.25
1987 P 1/10 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$343.01auction1.918.540.19
1987 P 1/2 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$1231auction1.3730.60.68
1987 P 1/2 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$1211auction1.3530.10.67
1987 P 1/2 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$1211auction1.3530.10.67
1987 P 1/4 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$571auction1.2714.20.31
1987 P 1/4 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$561auction1.2513.90.31
1987 P 1/4 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$559.01auction1.2413.90.31
1987 S 1 oz platinum proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$5010.01auction2.82124.2.79
1987 S 1/20 oz gold panda NGC MS 69$147.5auction1.643.670.08
1987 Y 1 oz gold panda NGC MS 69$1976auction1.1049.21.10
1987 Y 1/10 oz gold panda NGC MS 69$263auction1.466.540.14
1987 Y 1/2 oz gold panda NGC MS 69$1127auction1.2528.00.62
1987 Y 1/4 oz gold panda NGC MS 70$855auction1.9021.20.47
1989 1 oz silver panda NGC MS 69$145.99auction3.633.630.08
1989 3.3 oz silver god of war & wealth super clouded claw NGC PF 68 UC$1025offer7.7325.50.57
1989 P 1 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$2650auction1.4765.91.47
1989 P 1/2 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$1328.1auction1.4833.00.74
1989 P 1/4 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$641auction1.4315.90.35
1990 12 oz silver proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$3500auction7.2687.11.95
1990 P 1 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$3401auction1.8984.61.89
1990 P 1 oz silver proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$340.11auction8.468.460.18
1990 P 1/10 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$521auction2.9012.90.29
1990 P 1/2 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$1710.01auction1.9042.50.95
1990 P 1/20 oz gold proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$308.1auction3.437.670.17
1991 1 oz silver panda large date NGC MS 69$224.72auction5.595.590.12
1991 1/10 oz gold panda small date NGC MS 69$306.88auction1.717.640.17
1991 1/2 oz gold panda small date NGC MS 69$1456auction1.6236.20.81
1991 1/20 oz gold panda small date NGC MS 69$208.49auction2.325.190.11
1991 12 oz silver proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$3200auction6.6479.61.78
1991 P 1 oz silver proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$449.99auction11.211.20.25
1992 P 1 oz silver proof panda mirror leaf NGC PF 69 UC$479.99auction11.911.90.26
1993 1 oz silver ancient paintings peacock NGC PF 69 UC$1159auction28.828.80.64
1993 1/2 oz gold panda large date PCGS MS 70$7251auction8.08180.4.04
1994 1/4 oz gold proof unicorn NCS NGC PF 69 UC$1500Buy-It-Now3.3437.30.83
1994 2/3 oz silver scallop flower lunar dog NGC PF 69 UC$625auction23.315.50.34
1995 1 oz silver panda small twig large date NGC MS 69$250offer6.226.220.13
1995 1/2 oz platinum proof unicorn NGC PF 69 UC$7690auction8.67191.4.28
1995 1/4 oz gold proof unicorn NCS NGC PF 69 UC$2200Buy-It-Now4.9054.71.22
1995 27 g silver maritime ancient China 2 coin set NGC PF 69 UC$1745auction25.043.40.97
1996 1 oz silver panda large date PCGS MS 69$133.5auction3.323.320.07
1996 1 oz silver panda small date NGC MS 69$135.51auction3.373.370.07
1996 1 oz silver proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$686auction17.017.00.38
1996 1 oz silver proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$713auction17.717.70.39
1996 1/4 oz gold proof unicorn NCS NGC PF 69 UC$1700Buy-It-Now3.7942.30.94
1996 proof unicorn 3 coin set NGC PF 69 UC$5300auction7.69131.2.95
1997 1 oz silver lunar ox NGC PF 69 CA$369.99Buy-It-Now9.219.210.20
1997 1 oz silver lunar ox NGC PF 69 UC$369offer9.189.180.20
1997 1 oz silver panda small date NGC MS 69$144.51auction3.593.590.08
1997 1 oz silver unicorn NGC MS 69$145auction3.613.610.08
1997 1/10 oz gold auspicious matters NGC MS 69$227.5auction1.265.660.12
1997 1/10 oz gold auspicious matters NGC MS 70$316.23auction1.767.870.17
1998 1 oz silver Norman Bethune NGC PF 69 UC$61auction1.511.510.03
1998 1 oz silver panda small date NGC MS 69$202.51auction5.045.040.11
1999 1 oz silver Beijing expo panda NCS NGC MS 69$312auction7.767.760.17
1999 1/20 oz gold panda large date plain 1 PCGS MS 69$246.49auction2.756.130.13
2000 1 oz silver panda mirror NCS NGC MS 69$1551auction38.638.60.86
2001 1 oz silver scallop flower lunar snake NGC PF 69 UC$625auction15.515.50.34
2002 1 oz silver panda NGC MS 70$816auction20.320.30.45
2003 1 oz silver scallop flower lunar goat NGC PF 69 UC$688auction17.117.10.38
2004 1 oz silver Beijing expo panda NGC MS 69$197.05auction4.904.900.10
2004 1 oz silver panda NGC MS 70$575.99auction14.314.30.32
2004 1 oz silver panda NGC MS 70$616auction15.315.30.34
2004 1 oz silver panda NGC MS 70$575Buy-It-Now14.314.30.32
2004 1/2 oz palladium proof panda NGC PF 69 UC$870auction2.4321.60.48
2005 1 oz silver Beijing expo panda NGC MS 69$187.5auction4.664.660.10
2005 1 oz silver Beijing expo panda NGC MS 69$184auction4.584.580.10
2006 1 oz silver panda NGC MS 70$559offer13.913.90.31
2007 1 oz silver panda NGC MS 70$380auction9.469.460.21
2007 1/25 oz gold 25th annivesary proof panda 25 coin set NGC PF 70$2995auction1.6774.51.67
2009 - 2011 1 oz silver panda NGC MS 70$446.05auction3.7011.10.24
2009 1 oz silver 30th anniversary panda PCGS MS 70$282.91auction7.047.040.15
2010 5 oz silver proof panda NGC PF 70 UC$765.22auction3.8119.00.42
Total 93 coins:$102410.67255057.1

Neal McSpadden
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« Reply #4 on: 2011 Sep 21, 08:37:06 am »

70 grade coins

1986 24 g silver Empress of China NGC MS 70

Sale Terms: $650 Buy-It-Now.
Mintage: 90000
Grade Stats: 10% earn this grade or better (20 out of 189 graded in total)
Recent Sales: $67-$128 MS 69
Comments: Problem seller.

1986 24 g silver Empress of China NGC MS 70

Sale Terms: $379.95 Buy-It-Now.
Mintage: 90000
Grade Stats: 10% earn this grade or better (20 out of 189 graded in total)
Recent Sales: $67-$128 MS 69

« Last Edit: 2011 Sep 21, 09:31:05 am by tamo42 » Logged

Neal McSpadden
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« Reply #5 on: 2011 Sep 21, 08:37:41 am »

1989 1/4 oz gold New York expo panda NGC PF 70 UC

Sale Terms: $6950 Buy-It-Now.
Mintage: 5000
Grade Stats: 02% earn this grade or better (2 out of 72 graded in total)
Recent Sales:
Comments: Scarce!

1990 1/10 oz gold panda large date NGC MS 70

Sale Terms: $2795 Buy-It-Now, or offer.
Mintage: 216546
Grade Stats: 14% earn this grade or better (1 out of 7 graded in total)
Recent Sales: $248-$550 MS 69
Comments: Rare in investment grade, even considering that the grading stats do not include 49 non-attributed coins. This is towards the upper end of the 3-5x range for MS 70s, but there are only 3 of them (1 large date, 2 unattributed) known to exist presently. There was a recent sale of $2400 from the same seller, but it was likely canceled.

1990 15 g silver unearthed discoveries leopard NGC PF 70 UC

Sale Terms: $1388 Buy-It-Now.
Mintage: 5000
Grade Stats: 03% earn this grade or better (4 out of 114 graded in total)
Recent Sales: $455 PF 69
Comments: Scarce!


Neal McSpadden
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« Reply #6 on: 2011 Sep 21, 08:37:46 am »

1992 15 g silver Marco Polo NGC PF 70 UC

Sale Terms: $1400 Buy-It-Now, or offer.
Mintage: 30000
Grade Stats: 61% earn this grade or better (36 out of 59 graded in total)
Recent Sales: $240-$318 PF 69

1994 27 g silver olympic archery NGC PF 70 UC

Sale Terms: $500 Buy-It-Now.
Mintage: 30000
Grade Stats: 21% earn this grade or better (4 out of 19 graded in total)
Recent Sales:
Comments: Rare in investment grade.

1994 30 g silver olympic boxing NCS NGC PF 70 UC

Sale Terms: $600 Buy-It-Now.
Mintage: 30000
Grade Stats: 24% earn this grade or better (6 out of 25 graded in total)
Recent Sales:
Comments: Rare in investment grade. NCS conserved!


Neal McSpadden
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The Primal Prepper - my blog about preparing for the worst while living the best
Capitalist Pig
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« Reply #7 on: 2011 Sep 21, 08:37:50 am »

1995 1 oz silver Munich expo panda NCS NGC PF 70 UC

Sale Terms: $3995 Buy-It-Now.
Mintage: 2500
Grade Stats: 10% earn this grade or better (3 out of 29 graded in total)
Recent Sales:
Comments: Scarce!

1996 1 oz silver panda small date PCGS MS 70

Sale Terms: $5999.95 Buy-It-Now, or offer.
Mintage: -
Grade Stats: 01% earn this grade or better (6 out of 492 graded in total)
Recent Sales: $134-$230 MS 69
Comments: Rare in investment grade.

1997 2/3 oz silver modern paintings penguin NGC PF 70 UC

Sale Terms: $1950 Buy-It-Now.
Mintage: 8800
Grade Stats: 04% earn this grade or better (6 out of 147 graded in total)
Recent Sales: $950 PF 69
Comments: Underpriced at only 2x the PF 69 price. Rare in investment grade.


Neal McSpadden
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The Primal Prepper - my blog about preparing for the worst while living the best
Capitalist Pig
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« Reply #8 on: 2011 Sep 21, 08:37:57 am »

1997 2/3 oz silver scallop flower lunar ox NGC PF 70 UC

Sale Terms: $2999.99 Buy-It-Now, or offer.
Mintage: 6800
Grade Stats: 8% earn this grade or better (24 out of 30 graded in total)
Recent Sales: $2400
Comments: Rare in investment grade.

2000 1 oz silver Guangzhou expo panda NGC MS 70

Sale Terms: $3750 Buy-It-Now.
Mintage: 40000
Grade Stats: 02% earn this grade or better (2 out of 82 graded in total)
Recent Sales:
Comments: Rare in investment grade.

2001 D 1 oz silver panda NGC MS 70

Sale Terms: $2999 Buy-It-Now.
Mintage: 33000
Grade Stats: 03% earn this grade or better (18 out of 569 graded in total)
Recent Sales: $144-$232 MS 69
Comments: Problem seller. Rare in investment grade.


Neal McSpadden
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« Reply #9 on: 2011 Sep 21, 08:38:00 am »

2002 1 oz gold panda NGC MS 70

Sale Terms: $4699.99 Buy-It-Now, $3999.99 auction.
Mintage: 120000
Grade Stats: 10% earn this grade or better (96 out of 912 graded in total)
Recent Sales:

2002 1 oz silver panda PCGS MS 70

Sale Terms: $2650 Buy-It-Now, or offer.
Mintage: 500000
Grade Stats: 11% earn this grade or better (85 out of 757 graded in total)
Recent Sales: $600-$911

2003 1 oz silver panda NGC MS 70

Sale Terms: $529.99 Buy-It-Now.
Mintage: 600000
Grade Stats: 17% earn this grade or better (237 out of 1371 graded in total)
Recent Sales: $413-$611
Comments: Asking price is quite a bit lower than the last sale.


Neal McSpadden
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