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Author Topic: MCC LIST #183: 2014, collectors, pullback 9 reasons, food, coin-medal-whatever  (Read 74335 times)
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« Reply #3400 on: 2015 Sep 02, 07:29:57 pm »

Not intentionally trying to pick fights or choose sides.  But I'm with wafdawg on the fear factor.  I just don't see it happening.  I stopped reading most of the alternative media and mainstream media.  Because they both progpagate the same B.S. - FEAR.  I would incessantly ask moderators to post some positive information about what is happening in the world. To no avail.  It fell on deaf ears.  Not everything is wicked, evil, damning, he'll bound, world coming to an end.  I know there are real wolrd problems out there has been since the beginning of time.  But we humans somehow seem to put our brains to work and turn the wheels of ingenuity, in taking lemons and make lemonade. It will be this cycle until the end comes and NO ONE, I mean NO ONE KNOWS when that will be. PERIOD! I think it is wise to plan for the worst, but expect the best.  I bet Pandamonium a silver eagle that we will have elections in 2016. And I hope Paul or Trump kick some arse!!

My posts are for information and education purposes, although I MAY (more than likely) buy/sell/hold the MCC I write about, so I may not be unbiased in readers eyes. Contact a coin dealer or financial advisor before acting on what I have posted. I am passionate about Chinese medals. If that gets misconstrued as being a Pumper and Dumper. I'm guilty as charged. Thanks, barsenault, iluvmysilver, lovenoah and
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« Reply #3401 on: 2015 Sep 02, 07:56:19 pm »

I don't believe anyone is going to be needing to use silver dimes to buy food.  


I don't really believe in the doomsday prepper scenario one iota.  Food will not disappear if the value of the dollar drops or even plummets.  

I agree with you, wafdawg. It is very unlikely something bad will happen, and that's fundamentally why prices are cheap. But, if the worst happens, I have enough food to get me by for significant span of time. If nothing happens, which is the most likely scenario, I can just be an obsessive bargain shopper and buy only when the price is right. When my income is interrupted, which happens for pretty much everybody eventually, I don't have to worry about the basic essentials.

I remember the Los Angeles riots. It was not safe to go outside during that time. If you have a stash of food, that's perfect, you can just stay home and not worry about anything. If you DON'T have a stash of food, you might be a bit uncomfortable, or you might be forced to eventually take some more risks.

"Prepping" used to be called "survivalism". Back then, it was very uncool, and survivalists were, at worst, considered in the same group as many other weirdos you wouldn't start a conversation with in line at Walmart. Being a survivalist stockpiling food in the USA is very weird. Why? Because the USA is the world's #1 food producer. But that doesn't mean you can't benefit from keeping some food and extra lightbulbs around. Since Hurricane Katrina, people in the USA started to take the more moderate survivalists seriously. The government also began to encourage people to adopt their "be prepared" mindset - that's the Boy Scout motto too, and if it's good enough for Boy Scouts, maybe it's not so bizarre for common people.

To distinguish themselves from the bunker-dwelling survivalists, ordinary people started calling themselves "preppers". It makes perfect sense to me. You don't need anarchy to benefit from having a little extra food and supplies around. I consider a stash of food to be a fundamentally necessary form of diversification for anyone with enough extra resources to begin considering an investment strategy. $100 can go a LONG way if you're able to train yourself to think economically, which is good for everything else you do too. Buy beans, brown rice, and whole grain pasta instead of Twinkies and frozen pizzas, for example.

I completely disagree with pandamonium's outlook, but that doesn't mean he's wrong. I've misjudged the efficacy of his strategies often enough to become wary of dismissing what he says outright. I don't think the end of the world is coming, because all the powers that be are doing everything they can to avoid it. But that doesn't mean nothing bad will ever happen. Better to be over-prepared than completely helpless, but all things in moderation. The next riot, hurricane, job loss, flood, fire, or illness will be much more limited in its effects if you're prepared.

The definition of wealth is having more than other people, and that applies to both the good times and the bad. A bag of beans is excellent barter in Mad Max's world. It's also delicious for stews and other nummy things. Farmland around the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear reactors is perfectly capable of producing food. The problem is, it was all unexpectedly contaminated, which caused sudden price increases for imported foods from other countries that had no chance of being contaminated.

And, of course, the on-hand supplies of foreign imports were depleted in a matter of hours and days after everyone was warned not to eat Japanese food. It took weeks or months to import an increased supply of uncontaminated food to bring prices back down to something tolerable. It took a year or more to increase food production on native farms to compensate for the loss of local farm output.

How often do I ever need to get into my stored food supply? Every time it's raining outside and I don't want to go shopping. You don't need a disaster to benefit from some basic "prepper" preparing.

I think it is wise to plan for the worst, but expect the best.

Sounds like good advice!

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« Reply #3402 on: 2015 Sep 02, 07:56:36 pm »

2006 1 oz gold panda NGC 70 sold for the full Buy-It-Now asking price: 291554197705. This price is way above metal value, and it's good to watch sales like these if you want an idea of the current staet of the relationship between numismatic values and bullion values.

1986 silver empress of China clipper ship sold in a Best Offer option, with a Buy-It-Now of $69.99: 291094610334. Prices for these are typically around $100, but we saw $45 each when a large lot of them were sold together at wholesale pricing. I'm guessing this coin probably sold for around $50 to $55, just a little below the Buy-It-Now price.

2007 1/4 oz silver 25th anniversary panda 25 coin set sold for the full Buy-It-Now asking price: 321826867001. It's from Norway, with expensive shipping.

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« Reply #3403 on: 2015 Sep 02, 07:57:22 pm »

I bet Pandamonium a silver eagle that we will have elections in 2016. And I hope Paul or Trump kick some arse!!

Who says coin investors aren't gamblers? 

If families are a problem for the system, then we must reject the system, not the families.
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« Reply #3404 on: 2015 Sep 02, 08:18:07 pm »

2006 1 oz gold panda NGC 70 sold for the full Buy-It-Now asking price: 291554197705. This price is way above metal value, and it's good to watch sales like these if you want an idea of the current staet of the relationship between numismatic values and bullion values.

1986 silver empress of China clipper ship sold in a Best Offer option, with a Buy-It-Now of $69.99: 291094610334. Prices for these are typically around $100, but we saw $45 each when a large lot of them were sold together at wholesale pricing. I'm guessing this coin probably sold for around $50 to $55, just a little below the Buy-It-Now price.

2007 1/4 oz silver 25th anniversary panda 25 coin set sold for the full Buy-It-Now asking price: 321826867001. It's from Norway, with expensive shipping.

I was watching that 2006 coin. Sold in one day. Amazing. Thought I would be able to grab it in a week or two.
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« Reply #3405 on: 2015 Sep 02, 08:29:42 pm »

Barsenault i hope Trump wins as he has a backbone and knows the economy......   
Having food supplies should be a basic priority today, isn't that obvious?.....
The first person to warn me this president is a muslim brotherhood member was a CCF member that emailed me after reading my post.   Many on CCF are so called preppers and others are slowly agreeing that is the way to do it.    I was surprised how many CCF members agree w/ me but they keep quiet and do not post due to ridicule, hate comments or tears.   We lost a lot of very good information from these members.   I hope for the best too but the math does not add up so i expect the worst...........
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« Reply #3406 on: 2015 Sep 02, 08:48:36 pm »

Barsenault i hope Trump wins as he has a backbone and knows the economy......   
Having food supplies should be a basic priority today, isn't that obvious?.....
The first person to warn me this president is a muslim brotherhood member was a CCF member that emailed me after reading my post.   Many on CCF are so called preppers and others are slowly agreeing that is the way to do it.    I was surprised how many CCF members agree w/ me but they keep quiet and do not post due to ridicule, hate comments or tears.   We lost a lot of very good information from these members.   I hope for the best too but the math does not add up so i expect the worst...........

I am not American BUT I do not wish Obama win too
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« Reply #3407 on: 2015 Sep 02, 09:03:08 pm »


This is interesting 2 mints for one medal. GGoodluck the first again in ebay?

Edit by badon: Linkify.
« Last Edit: 2015 Sep 02, 09:21:33 pm by badon » Logged
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« Reply #3408 on: 2015 Sep 02, 09:25:10 pm »

2007 1/4 oz silver 25th anniversary panda 25 coin set sold for the full Buy-It-Now asking price: 321826867001. It's from Norway, with expensive shipping.

That set might be a rare set in complete mint condition due to the outer paper box. The outer box looks like its in the condition it was shipped from the factory, which is rare. Most are either missing the outer box (which is quite heavy in itself, adding to shipping costs) or the outer box is torn or otherwise damaged. I would say less than 10% of these anniversary sets have mint outer boxes.

davidt3251 eBay items ending soonest


DISCLAIMER: My posts are for entertainment (kind of like a Jon Stewart Daily Show for MCC), informational and educational purposes ONLY and MUST NOT be used for investment or trading purposes. I am not a coin (or medals) dealer. My ebay listings are for my personal sales and sometimes my personal sales overlap with content of my posts. Therefore, before acting on anything I have written, contact a professional coin dealer. If you are not willing to agree to this, do not read my posts.
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« Reply #3409 on: 2015 Sep 02, 10:57:29 pm »

Is this wrong pricing or they are not aware of the market price.

Nanjing silver and cooper panda NGC PF69 at SGD447.75. I have quite a bit of those. Otherwise I will buy it
« Last Edit: 2015 Sep 02, 11:03:11 pm by Trouble » Logged
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